Types of Social Media Users

By Posted in - Other Topics on April 15th, 2014 1 Comments

Previous Categories of Social Media Users

There have been multiple attempts in recent months to classify social media users into various types or categories. Most of these efforts use frequency and type of participation as the two primary factors. User types based on frequency include:

Dippers – Individuals that visit sites infrequently. They occasionally drop by and dip into the content and activity present.
Virgins – Individuals that are new to social media and are just learning how to participate on the various sites.
Ultras – Individuals that spend considerable time each day on various social media sites.

The other axis for distinguishing users is based on the type of participation. These types include:

Lurkers – These individuals rarely post but monitor the contributions of others frequently
Cliquers – These individuals restrict their activity to a limited number of people in their close personal circle
Peacocks – These individuals are looking for recognition. They expand their network, post frequently, and are motivated by responses and likes to their posts.
Ranters – These are strongly opinionated people who like to post frequently on a narrow range of topics that they feel passionate about.
Informers – These individuals like to share all aspects of their activities with others
Quizzers – These individuals post a lot of questions to sites to initiate conversations and get opinions and answers.
Marketers – These individuals participate on social sites to promote products, services, or their personal brand.

Emerging Categories of Social Media Users

I have written in previous blogs about the likely emergence of social media sites that will focus on personal and career development. These sites will bring tremendous value and draw new types of users. User types for these sites will include:

Mentors – Experts in one or more interest categories that are willing to engage in one on one private interactions to share their knowledge and expertise.
Learners – Individuals with specific development goals and objectives that are looking for resources and support to help them achieve their goals.
Helpers – Individuals who are willing to provide feedback, support, advice, and suggest resources for people that share a common interest. These individuals exchange information and amass knowledge around a common interest category.

More and more people are going to turn to social media sites for career development and personal development as well as assistance and advice in handling life stage challenges. These emerging user types will eventually rise to be one of the most common categories of people that participate in social media.

Patrick Hauenstein, Ph.D.

About Patrick Hauenstein, Ph.D.

Patrick Hauenstein is the President and Chief Science Officer for OMNIview. During his free time Pat likes to cook. He is particularly fond of traditional southern cuisine. Pat is also an animal lover ...
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